
Why volunteer with us?

We’re a friendly bunch, its good fun and its a great way to get involved with your community. Setting up, serving soup, counting votes, chatting to the audience. There’s lots to do.

We run three to four events a year, usually in March, June, September and December, so just need volunteers around some of those times.

You can just help out a bit at one event or talk to us about something more formal to help out at more events or behind the scenes. See below for the main things available now.

Note: we are not a kitchen year round, so if you are looking for something more regular then maybe head over here to look at other organisations in Brighton and Hove.

Please contact us if you’d like to be part of our team admin@brightonsoup.org.uk

Current Vacancies (February 2023)

Kitchen Deputy

Running the kitchen is a big part of what happens at Brighton Soup, the name is a bit of a giveaway! The person who currently runs this, Peter, oversees everything to do with soup and food. We already have ad hoc volunteers who help with the kitchen setup, serving customers, and washing up.

We are now looking for a new volunteer Kitchen Deputy to help Peter in a more dedicated and supervisory role at each event.

Dates: We run 3-4 events per year, usually in March, June, September and December. Our next event is on 24 March 2023.

Location: Community Base, Queen’s Road, Brighton.

Apply: Email us on admin@brightonsoup.org.uk and we will send you an application form.

Download the Job Description here

Soup Makers and Bread Makers (March, June, September and December)

We normally have 4-5 chefs making different soups for each event, if you would be keen to help by making a soup (we would need 8-10 litres) please let us know. Any bakers who can whip up a few loaves to go with the soup are also very welcome! Email us on admin@brightonsoup.org.uk

On the Night

From welcoming people at the door, to laying the tables, heaving chairs about, counting votes, collecting raffle money, checking tickets, clearing up, looking after the projects… There are many ways to help on the night and be part of a busy, fun community event! Email us on admin@brightonsoup.org.uk