Monthly Archives: June 2017

An Interview with Soup Regulars

We get a lot of feedback after our events, from people that attend, the people pitching and those getting involved and helping out. At a previous Soup event I had the chance to chat with a couple of regular soup attendees, Matt Brabner and Lisa Curne, and ask what they thought …

What first attracted you to Brighton Soup?

Matt: I can’t remember where I had read about it but my first introduction to Soup was actually reading about Stoneham Bakehouse [previous winners promoting baking as therapy] and their success; from there I read more about Brighton Soup, having been familiar with the concept hearing about Detroit Soup, and I just found the website and thought “right its only £4, lets go!”. Lisa came along and we brought a few other friends with us; it was the event at the Emmaus in the summer, just a gorgeous night. In fact I think it was the week after Brexit and everyone was a little fed up and we just came away thinking how lovely it was.

Lisa: Absolutely, just a really nice evening; great to see something good happening while everything else seemed a bit glum.

What do you enjoy most?

Matt: For me its the pitches; I mean even if its quite tough topics to listen to its all really positive which what they’re trying to achieve.

Lisa: Its really nice to know what’s going on in your community. As we mentioned before; in amongst the Brexit stuff it really restores my faith in people; there are extraordinary people out there doing amazing things for the good of other people.

There are extraordinary people out there doing amazing things for the good of other people”

Any really memorable pitches?

Lisa: The one that always sticks out in my mind is the Free university Brighton. I wondered how they were able to do something that wonderful for nothing haha. It was also a very different pitch in terms of goals and what they were trying to achieve.

Matt: What sticks out for me isn’t just the pitches but the fact that its not huge sums of money going to these people but about £400 odd; very much unlike the big national charities, and through that you get a real sense of how much they need this money and how much good it will do.

Now, important question, if you could be any soup what would you be?

Matt: Oh now I’m not sure; I’ve never been asked what soup I’d be haha. I certainly know what soup I like but I don’t know if that’s the soup I’d be. I’m a bit partial to Heinz with a nice bit of white toast. a good old Saturday afternoon comfort soup.

Great answer!

And you know what, I feel hungry now for a good serving of soup and toast too! Well thank you Matt and Lisa, I’m sure we’ll see you again soon!

If you think a Brighton Soup evening sounds like something for you then get yourself a ticket, we’d love to see you there!

That’s all from me, but have a great week everyone and stay hearty Brighton!

(Leek & Potato)

Feeling hot, hot, hot!

Well what a fun evening that was! A beautiful venue – made even more glorious by the late evening spring sunshine (yeah, it was probably designed to be like that) – with great food, music and company – a real community spirit.

We know it was it a few weeks ago now (we’ve had a little break), but for those that didn’t make it we’d like to share…

One Church, Gloucester Road is a big venue – not without challenges for the team – but we ended up perfectly laid out within this beautiful old church in the heart of Brighton. And it turned out to be to be a very hot night.

We started with a few opening words from Eugenie Teasley, CEO of The Goodall Foundation and the energy behind Any Other Business Brighton, a group of people and organizations that spent the week showcasing the progressive social character of our diverse, vibrant, colourful city. It seemed fitting as this was the last event of the AOB week.

And then we were off with the pitches…

First Lucy McGrath & Sonia Mangan spoke about their Caritas Meal at All Saints Church, a monthly Sunday meal for people who are homeless, vulnerably housed or on the periphery of Society. Jenny Skelton pitched for the first ever Disability Pride Brighton event. Laura Harling was pitching for Found In Translation, a theatrical project that actively involves and engages those living with dementia. And Mary-Anne Weaver spoke of teaching young people to develop and practice manicuring skills as a way of tackling youth engagement and isolation.

You can get details on all the projects here.

Pitches over it was voting and feasting time – and it was a real foodie night. So many people brought food to share (very well received :)) and for the first time all 6 of our delicious soups were gluten free! And as always with vegetarian/vegan options. All courtesy of our Souper Chefs: Tom Chadd, Sam Redfern, Lizzie Batten, Joe Gray and newcomers Ros Morris and Team Soup member, Martin Pritchard. Thanks!

It was such a hot night someone asked if we had a gazpacho!

We also had a super delivery of 10 delicious Papa John’s Pizzas, a company that has given us much support over the last two years. If that wasn’t enough food focus we had more in the raffle with prizes from Nandos, GBKMOD Pizza, Big Beach Café, Pottery Café and more.

There was even real coffee instead of the usual instant stuff, a first for BrightonSoup. This was kindly provided by Ben and Donna from Pro Baristas. We weren’t sure how many people would ask for coffee in the evening, but it was so delicious and in so much demand that we just couldn’t make it fast enough!

We had a fantastic raffle with some great prizes, raising £243 for BrightonSoup, thank you so much everyone!. We’d like to ask the lucky winners if they could post photos of them using their prizes up on our facebook page so we could tag the contributors as a thank you. Although one of the prizes was some of Ayten Gasson’s Luxury Silk Lingerie so maybe in this instance just a thank you would do :).

When it’s time to count votes, it’s also music time – and for the first time at soup we had a band! The superb 4 piece Scandomando blew away the post-feasting slump with a blast of upbeat punk folk renditions of some classic songs. ‘Wanna Be LIke You’ got some soupers on their feet and dancing – don’t recall seeing that at soup before. One of our guests filmed them performing ‘Word Up’ and you can check that out here.

We had Rohan and Chloe from the Brighton & Hove Speak Out team return – winners of our Community Base event back in December – to give us an update on their film project. As a special treat we were able to debut the completed film to our guests – how cool was that! Another first for soupers, to see the end result of something they voted and put funds towards. Okay, there was a little technical delay, but a few jokes filled the time (bat joke anyone?). They had the film certificated as it will be screening at the Duke of York’s Cinema all next week before the showing of Churchill. If you can’t wait for that you can see the film here.

Finally it was time for the winner, and it was Jenny pitching that took the vote and the £505.70 in tickets and donations for Disability Pride Brighton. If you want to attend it’s being held next month on 9th July at New Road, Brighton..

As an AOB special we also had £500 of match funding graciously donated by Chris Llewellyn on behalf of The CriSeren Foundation. £200 of this went to Disability Pride bringing the winning funds to £705.70. The balance of £300 was split equally amongst the other projects. So everybody got a little funding this evening!

Finally, after many thanks you’s, goodbyes and lots of help clearing up, it was time to go out into the very warm night and head home – or onwards if you were so inclined. Or young :).

We hope you enjoyed yourselves, feasted deliciously, chatted to lovely people doing great things in your community, maybe got involved yourself, made new friends, tapped your feet to the delightful music and maybe even danced a little. Not a bad way to spend a hot Friday night in May.

Thanks for coming!

Team Soup

You can check out the full event details here and photos here.

Our next event is at BHASVIC on Friday 21st July and you can get tickets here.