Thank you for being a friend (and sorry about the song)!

Hi Everyone!

“I wanna tell you right now, and tell you again, thank you for being a friend”

Well I’m really sorry if we just got that song stuck in your head, but it’s perfect for what we want to say.

We’re in our 4th year now (yeah, really) and that couldn’t have happened without the wondrous, gorgeous, beautiful group of people – past and present – that have made us look good: the volunteers!

In this week celebrating volunteers, we wanted to let everyone know that we couldn’t, really, really, couldn’t have done – and be continuing to do – this, without people giving their time and energy for nothing but the love of doing it. And maybe a fun night out every now and then.

You lovely people that: make lovely food for us, sing and play for us, give us prizes to raffle, or money to projects, stand up and tell us about your passions, help us reach out for help, hand out leaflets, walk streets, host stands, spend days and evenings doing paperwork or organising things, writing blogs and posts, helping on the night (sometimes very late at night), taking photos, serving food, washing and clearing up, support us with donations of food, vegetables, cakes, equipment, money, advice, encouragement, buy tickets, come early to help, stay late to clear tables and chairs, even sweep and hoover. If you helped once, or have done so continuously. There really are too many of you to list here, but you know who you are. We certainly do.

So to all of you volunteers, from the heart, we say thank you so very much.

Now, again, sorry about the song, but it’s what we want to say. Well except the bit about buying you a Cadillac. Apart from that..

And if you’re too young to know the song, here it is. Enjoy!

Thank you for being a Volunteer.

Team Soup

PS: And speaking of thank you, if you’re attending the Survivor’s Network’s ‘Thank You Day’ tomorrow then we hope to see you there. If you haven’t registered yet, there’s still time.

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